From the publishers of the Pathfinder RPG's French edition comes POLARIS, an exciting post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG, now in English!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Now Hiring!
over 8 years ago
– Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 04:04:21 PM
Hello everybody,
work on the next sourcebook "Creatures" has of course already begun! This book, featuring tons of epic creatures will be your ideal companion to make these adventures even more dangerous and exciting. Kickstarter backers remember, you will be getting the PDF version of this books for free as soon as it's out!
Freelance translators out there!
We have a great team of translators already on board that worked already on the Core Rulebooks, but we could use a few more multilingual minds to help us get this book out as soon as possible! We are looking for American native speakers or people that have a very good Mastery Level of the English and French Language Skill to join our efforts! Shoot us a little e-mail if you are interested or forward this message to people you might know who would fit the profile! laura(at)
Same goes for people interested in joining our proofreaders, you do not necessarily need to speak french to join, but having read the Polaris Core Rulebooks would be a big plus!
Artists of the deep!
We are also still commissioning some art for Polaris and new talents are always welcome on the team :) So spam my inbox folder with your art portfolios! laura(at)
New Polaris adventures ahead! Looking forward to getting more people on board!
Becoming an adventurer of the Deep
over 8 years ago
– Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 05:44:39 PM
Hey everybody,
one really amazing thing about Polaris has always been its dedicated community and so it is wonderful to see that the latter just grew internationally and that the passion is spreading all over the world now!
We've got people sending us their ideas of character concepts - that's one of the interesting parts of the game! What characters have you created so far or which ones would you like to make?
There was even this one crazy backer, John (we mentioned him before already), who just wrote up a whole walk through character creation! :o He lets people follow the "birth" of Marco Callardin, a former Chiloean militiaman, turned Equinox bartender! Wow, impressive! Check it out :)
We're working on more different sheets and a dedicated Download section on our website, but this might still take some time.
And then there was PAD, a French Polaris fan who just created a Roll20 Character sheet for Polaris! Yay! So, for those of you who don't get to game around a table and prefer to roll the virtual dice on Roll20, you can now easily integrate your Polaris gaming sessions on that platform! Thank you, PAD! He's also looking for feedback for the sheet, feel free to drop him a comment:
Thank you for being an amazing community!
The Polaris RPG Team
Polaris RPG now on DriveThruRPG!
over 8 years ago
– Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 04:16:51 PM
Starting today, people that missed out on the Kickstarter can now purchase the PDF versions of the books on DriveThruRPG! :)
Awesome GenCon!
over 8 years ago
– Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 01:16:22 PM
Hey everybody,
we are finally back from GenCon, and to put it simply: it was amazing!
We had a super nice space just for Polaris on the booth with our friends and partners from Paizo! It was was awesome, cool people, cool products, cool stuff! We'd like to thank the amazing folks from there for making it happen, getting all our stuff to Indy and being the best company we could have wished for! Also it was cool sharing the space with the guys from The Dark Eyes and the ever awesome Wayne Reynolds!
It's been amazing to be there with Polaris. To see all these products, fresh from the printer and to actually be able to show and sell them to people has been a very special kind of amazing.
It was also huge to see so many of you stopping by our booth and telling us about how you participated in the Kickstarter, how you already received your books and that you liked them! Thank you very much for taking the time to come and see us, this means a lot to us!
New people discovered the game and the overall reception has just be plain exceptional! This was our very first GenCon with the actual books and you never know what you should expect, but this was just great!
Demo games were also running all weekend, a big thank you to Thomas and Kent for handling these! People seemed to have great fun!
Thank you all for making this so great! It has been much work but IT WAS SO WORTH IT!
We also used the trip to review the texts for the Savage Worlds rules conversion while we were spending countless hours in the airplanes. Once all corrections are integrated it will be sent off to translation and then to layout! Sounds absolutely fun and those who are used to the Savage Worlds rules set will be able to dive into the Polaris setting without having to learn a new rules system.
We are now back in France and preparations for the European fulfillment are starting now, no fixed date to be announced yet but we'll let you know as soon as possible! :)
Thank you,
The Polaris RPG Team
Quick update - Deluxe Editions & GenCon
over 8 years ago
– Thu, Aug 04, 2016 at 12:25:41 AM
Hi there,
the booth at GenCon is all set up - yay!
And it's also time to let you guys know that the Deluxe Editions for US and Rest of the World backers have been sent out! Yay! Hope you get them quickly, let us know what you think :)
GenCon visitors: These are some veeery limited buttons you can pick up at our booth starting tomorrow! Don't miss out!